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Trunking - Knowledgebase / Switchboard / Calling Features / Preferences - Help & Support


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Trunking is a registration feature that enables to PBX admins to present the CLI of another number, via a registered Trunking number.

PBX Admins will use this feature where the on premise IPPBX does not support IP Authentication (SIP Peering) and therefore requires Registration (UseName, Password and Proxy) to consume a SIP / VoiP service

How to set up Trunking

  1. Log into your account.

  2. Select Switchboard > Select number.

  3. Select Preferences > Trunking

  4. Set your Inbound Trunking Pilot Number.

  5. Click Save to update your settings.

Trunking Preferences

  • Inbound trunking enables an admin to route all numbers to a single Registered a number. Inbound trunking is a useful feature for On Premise PBX that do not support SIP peering to a static IP address.

  • Outbound Trunking is a Registration feature that allows you to present the CLI of another number on your account, using a trunking number to remove the onerous task of individually registering large blocks of numbers to preserve CLI.


Other Notes

  • Display name: Most devices such as softphones and IP Phones refer to the name part as the Display name.

  • P-Asserted-Identity: see also a P-Asserted-Identity header (RFC 3325) to define the Caller ID as an alternative to manipulating the name field (subject to your system support for RFC 3325).

  • Groups: Ensure that all FROM numbers are within the same ‘Group’ as the Outbound trunk number.

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