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Setting up SIP Peering

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Setting up SIP Peering

SIP Peering or SIP Trunking enables you to statically connect an IP-PBX with our public sip proxy (

Note: Peering differs from Registration which relies on an authenticated UserName, Password to connect to our voice proxy.

Once you have enabled SIP Peering we whitelist your WAN IP blocking any other IP from communicating with our Voice service but as an additional security measure from your side we advise setting a firewall rule restricting access to your SIP port to our public IP *

We support three modes of Peering:

  1. SIP Peering Global

  2. SIP Peering Standalone

  3. Trunking

SIP Peering G

1. SIP Peer Global

Routes all Inbound and Outbound traffic on an account to a single nominated WAN IP linked to one phone number. With the exception of Call Forwarding for emergency fail over global Peering disables all functionality other CloudPBX functionality.

  1. Select SIP Peering Global.

  2. Add Primary Trunk Host IP Address, and fail over Trunk IP Address (optional).

  3. Select Save.

2. Standalone Peering

A standalone peer is where the network admin connects an IP-PBX to a single number. Standalone peering is a convenient mechanism enabling administrators to connect multiple offices each with its own WAN IP.

  1. Select Line SIP Peering Standalone >> Enable

  2. Add IP Address.

  3. Select Save.

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