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Softphone - Access Voicemail

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Softphone - Access Voicemail

On the 2talk App, you are able to listen to the received voicemails you got when you were busy or unavailable.

You will have access to your voicemail box, presenting the numbers that sent the voicemail, as well as the date/time the voicemail was received.

Go Quick Guide for listening to your Voicemails:

  1. Tap Settings > Voicemail.

  2. Tap on the "Play" button to listen to the voicemail.

  3. Tap on the "Pause" button to pause the voicemail (optional).

Softphone_Voicemail.pngYou can also access your voicemail box on the Dialpad page, just by taping on the Voicemail icon.

Note: In case you do not have voicemails, the message "There are no voicemails" will be shown on the Voicemail Box page.

You are also allowed to delete voicemail messages from your voicemail box.

Go Quick Guide for deleting Voicemails:

  1. Tap Settings > Voicemail.

  2. Choose a voicemail message and swipe it to the left.

  3. Tap on the "Trash" button > Delete.


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